Trees for Survival
Trees for Survival is the only environmental programme supported by the Rotary Clubs of New Zealand. The programme is administered by a charitable trust which promotes the growing and planting of native trees by school children to help control soil erosion, safeguard water quality, regulate stream flow, increase biodiversity, control greenhouse gases and to restore and beautify landscapes. By encouraging organisations to sponsor and support school students in tending tree seedlings and planting them out, the programme brings communities together to protect the New Zealand environment.
The usual pattern is that a supporting organisation, such as a Rotary Club arranges sponsorship of a plant growing unit - a special shade house at a school. The students grow native plants from seedlings to a plantable age of about 12 months. Each unit can grow up to 1,500 plants per year.
The supporting organisation also provides funding to enable TfS to provide support, resources, materials and equipment to ensure healthy plants are grown.
Local council staff will locate planting sites suitable for planting and the various parties, including the students, plant out the trees on a planting day usually scheduled between June-August each year.
Rotarians can be involved supporting the school at pricking out and potting on sessions at the school and on planting days.
DVDs or brochures which outline the TFS programme are available by contacting the National Manager.
Because planting trees protects our environment and preserves the planet it could be said that Trees for Survival is the ultimate community project well deserving of Rotary support.