Inner Wheel
Inner Wheel is the largest women’s voluntary service organisation operating in the world. As a non-government organisation, Inner Wheel representatives work within the United Nations on committees in Geneva, Vienna and New York to better the lives of women globally. As the sister organisation of Rotary International, members work closely with Rotarians on service projects.
What are the objectives of Inner Wheel?
1: To promote true friendship
2: To encourage the ideals of personal service
3: To foster international understanding
Inner Wheel is active in over 100 countries and geographic locations with over one hundred thousand members. In New Zealand, there are 5 Districts and 64 clubs spanning the country from Whangarei to Invercargill and including clubs in Fiji and New Caledonia. Clubs meet monthly to enjoy friendship and participate in service to the community, at home and overseas.
The Inner Wheel District NZ291 has 13 Inner Wheel Clubs across Auckland, Northland, Bay of Plenty, Waikato and the Pacific Islands. This district covers the Rotary Districts 9910, 9920 and 9930.
Find out more about Inner Wheel District NZ291 at
Rina Maxwell-Hesp