Across the breadth of District 9910 there have been many celebrations of the success that was the 2023-2024 Rotary year and here are two samples of this:
Rotary Orewa-Millwater's 60th Anniversary and Changeover celebration last night at Gulf Rise Retirement Village in Red Beach was outstanding! Including the extremely interesting history of the club and it's considerable achievements over 60 years shared by Past President Peter, then a wonderful address by District Governor Jenn, followed by a delicious mid-Winter Christmas dinner, along with lots of fellowship. So a very special night out.
Did you know that Rotary Orewa-Millwater's achievements included:
* During outgoing President Robbie's Rotary year, members completed 18 Rotary events, with $60,000 donated to the community via projects. Robbie is 26 years-old.
* Over seven years, their fantastic Greek Extravaganzas, led by Rotarian Theo, raised almost $138,000 for Harbour Hospice   
The Rotary District 9910 Changeover was an exceptionally vibrant event enjoyed by almost 100 Rotarians and partners at Albany on Saturday 13 July 2024. Outgoing District Governor Neil highlighted his special memories during the last Rotary year when we Created Hope in the World and acknowledged the immense contributions of many with District Awards. Then incoming District Governor Jenn shared her vision for The Magic of Rotary!  The 2024-25 presidential theme, The Magic of Rotary, helps club and Rotarians to recognize and amplify Rotary’s power to save lives. The year ahead is going to be magical.